School Encyclopedia. When the moon appeared The story of the appearance of the moon

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MOON ORIGIN AND HISTORY. The history of the Moon is interesting not only in itself, but also as part of the general problem of the origin of the Earth and other planets of the solar system. Recently, we have learned a lot about the physical and chemical characteristics of the moon. These data are obtained not only from the Earth, but also with the help of spacecraft. For example, the automatic stations Surveyor-5, -6 and -7, which softly landed on the Moon in 1967 and 1968, made it possible to determine its chemical composition for the first time. Lunar rock and dust samples delivered American astronauts under the Apollo program (1969-1972) and the Soviet automatic devices of the Luna series (1970-1976), made it possible to measure in detail their chemical and physical characteristics and determine the age of the Moon from them.

The data obtained allow us to learn a lot about the history of the Moon, but the question of its origin still remains difficult. There are several theories about the origin of the moon. According to one of them, the Moon is a part of the Earth, once separated from it. Another theory considers the Earth and the Moon as a double planet, formed during the accumulation of the same substance in space. A third theory claims that the Moon formed independently and was then captured by the Earth.

Age of the lunar surface.

Large details on the surface of the Moon were formed mainly due to meteorite bombardment. Only the dark seas are certainly associated with volcanic activity, with the eruption of iron-rich basaltic lava.

Determination of the age of lunar rocks by the radioisotope method showed that some samples delivered by Apollo 17 are 4.6 billion years old, i.e. almost the same age as the moon itself. However, most of the mainland rocks are younger by about 700 million years. This indicates that the active bombardment of the Moon ended 3.9 billion years ago, leaving behind huge circular funnels such as the Sea of ​​Rains and the Sea of ​​the East. Marine basalt is even younger: from 3.9 to just over 3.0 Ga. However, isotope analysis clearly shows that separation chemical elements in the bowels of the moon happened 4.3 billion years ago. Around this time, the source regions of the main lunar rocks were formed. Cm. RADIOCARBON DATING.

After the end of the last sea lava eruption (probably in the Sea of ​​Rains), the most significant event in the history of the Moon was the formation of craters such as Copernicus (850 million years ago) and the gradual buildup of a thick dust layer - lunar regolith - under the influence of impacts of small meteorites and ionizing radiation.

Since the lunar details have not changed much during the existence of the solar system, they can be used to judge the earliest episodes in the history of the Earth-Moon system. The fact that most of the lunar craters are much older than the most ancient Earth rocks helps to understand why we do not encounter large impact basins on Earth: having a more powerful gravitational field, the Earth in the first 700 million years of the existence of the solar system should have been subjected to more intense bombardment, than the Moon, but active geological processes on Earth destroyed all evidence of that bombardment.


Various data allow us to conclude that the Moon is a much more rigid object than the Earth, which means that the temperature in the interior of the Moon was relatively low. The study of the Moon's orbit and its librations showed that the figure of the Moon is a triaxial ellipsoid. This form does not correspond to the one that the Moon would have to take under the action of own strength gravity, the gravitational field of the Earth and centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the moon. Maintaining this irregular shape requires the Moon to be rigid, at least in its outer layers.

Areas of high mass concentration - mascons, discovered in 1968 under the lunar surface, also indicate a sufficient rigidity of the outer shells of the Moon. Mascons are located under circular seas formed as a result of powerful collisions (for example, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bRains, the Sea of ​​​​Clarity, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bCrisis, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bNectar, and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bHumidity), as well as under areas that in the past could have been seas, but then turned out to be impact craters. The mascons demonstrate that on the Moon, at least in the regions above the mascons, there is no isostasy, a phenomenon known on Earth in which massive crustal blocks slowly sink until they reach equilibrium with the rest of the crust.

Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the Mascons: 1) these are the remains of bodies that fell on the Moon. The impact craters should have been filled with molten silicates, rock fragments and dust, forming a flat sea surface. Under reasonable assumptions, this idea provides good agreement between the observed excess mass and the possible mass of the falling objects; 2) mascones are formed by lava flows that filled large impact basins. However, it is hard to believe that millions of cubic kilometers of lava could pour into these areas and then not spread; 3) these are the outer "plugs" of the dense substance of the mantle, frozen in the places of collisions.

Density and chemical composition.

The average density of the Moon is 3.34 g/cm3. This is close to the density of chondrite meteorites, i.e. solar matter, with the exception of its most volatile components, such as hydrogen and carbon. The density of the moon is close to the density earth mantle; at least this does not contradict the hypothesis that the Moon once broke away from the Earth. The significantly higher average density of the Earth (5.5 g/cm 3 ) is mainly due to the dense iron core. The Moon's low density means it lacks a prominent iron core. Moreover, the Moon's moment of inertia indicates that it is a ball of uniform density, covered with an anorthositic (calcium-rich feldspar) crust 60 km thick, which is confirmed by seismic data. Cm. EARTH; METEORITE.

The main lunar rocks are: 1) marine basalts, more or less rich in iron and titanium; 2) continental basalts rich in stone, rare earth elements and phosphorus; 3) aluminum continental basalts - a possible result of impact melting; 4) igneous rocks such as anorthosites, pyroxenites and dunites.

regolith ( see above) is composed of fragments of mafic rock, glass, and breccia (rock composed of cemented angular clasts) formed from the underlying rock types. Lunar rocks are not completely similar to terrestrial ones. Typically, lunar basalts contain more iron and titanium; anorthosites on the Moon are more abundant, and volatile elements such as potassium and carbon are less in lunar rocks. The lunar nickel and cobalt were probably replaced by molten iron before the formation of the moon was complete. Cm. BASALT; BRECCIA; GEOLOGY; MINERALS AND MINERALOGY.

thermal history.

The current temperature of the lunar interior depends on its initial temperature and the heat released and preserved from the moment of its formation. The initial high temperature of the outer layers of the Moon is mainly due to the kinetic energy of the matter that fell on the Moon at the final stage of its formation. A certain contribution could also be made by the short-lived aluminum-26 isotope. Together, these phenomena could give rise to an "ocean" of molten magma hundreds of kilometers deep and a shortage of volatile elements.

The release of heat in the deep layers of the moon depends on the concentration of radioactive isotopes uranium-235, uranium-238, thorium-232 and, to a lesser extent, potassium-40. The conservation of this heat depends on the thermal conductivity of the outer layers of the Moon. The heat flow from the lunar interior was measured by the Apollo 15 and 16 expeditions and showed a relatively high content of uranium and thorium against the background of a shortage of other refractory elements. The current temperature profile of the Moon, i.e. temperature behavior with depth, was studied in experiments on electrical conductivity. It turned out that the melting temperature is reached only at a depth of 1000 km; this is consistent with seismic data on a small molten core and a depth of moonquake sources of about 800 km.


At the end of the 19th century J. Darwin suggested that the Moon broke away from the Earth as a result of vibration resonance. If the Moon and the Earth were united, then the period of rotation would be approximately 4 hours. The period of the natural oscillations of the Earth, according to scientists of the 19th century, was about 2 hours. This indicates that a resonance could arise, leading to an increase in oscillations to such an extent that from a single body could come off a small "piece" - the moon. But now it is known that the period of natural oscillations of the Earth is shorter than 1 hour. In addition, the damping of oscillations caused by strong internal friction would not allow them to reach a large amplitude. In addition, the newly separated Moon would have to orbit faster than the Earth, and tidal forces would bring it back.

The theory of the separation of the moon has recently been revived by the idea that the moment of inertia of the earth decreased when its matter was separated into a metallic core and a silicate mantle; this increased the speed of rotation, which forced part of the substance to break away as an independent body. But all the same, this requires a high initial speed of the Earth's rotation, so that the gigantic energy of rotation is then dissipated into the heat of the earth's interior, and most of the momentum would be carried away from the Earth-Moon system, for example, by ejection of a significant mass (which looks absolutely incredible). So, the problems associated with the conservation of energy and angular momentum make the theory of the separation of the moon from the Earth unlikely. Recent chemical data, especially with regard to iron and rare earth elements, have shown that the composition of the lunar surface differs significantly from that of the earth. Therefore, the theory of separation is not now considered seriously.

A number of other theories of the origin of the Moon are based on the fact that it could be formed by the union of small particles moving in orbit around the primitive Earth. In one model, the Earth and Moon form from a single gas cloud like a double planet. But this is unlikely, since the Moon's chemical composition differs from that of the Earth, which has a large iron-nickel core. But such a large planet as the Earth could not lose a large mass of gas.

Another double planet theory claims that the Moon was formed from a cloud of small, solid particles orbiting the Earth in the last stage of its formation. It is assumed that these particles differed from the Earth in chemical composition and contained more water or less heavy elements such as nickel and iron. But if it was so, then the Earth-Moon system would have to have a larger specific angular momentum than follows from the ratio between mass and moment for the planets. It is estimated that the Moon could form from such particles in a very short time - about 80 years. In this case, the Moon would be hot, contrary to the above facts.

The theory of capturing the moon is popular among scientists, although at first glance it seems unlikely, since the moon would have to lose a large energy equal to gm 1 m 2 /2c, where m 1 and m 2 - masses of the Earth and the Moon, G is the gravitational constant, c- semi-major axis of the orbit (the average distance between the Earth and the Moon). Various capture mechanisms have been proposed. In one of them, the Moon was captured in a reverse orbit (i.e., revolved around the Earth in the opposite direction to the movement of most bodies in the solar system); then the tidal influence of the Earth reduced the lunar orbit and turned its plane over, i.e. first, the orbit became polar, and then straight, with the usual direction of circulation; after that, the size of the orbit began to increase. At the point of closest approach to the Earth, the distance to the Moon was 2.9 Earth radii. In this case, the energy loss should be 10 kilojoules for every gram of lunar matter, which is about four times the energy needed to completely melt the moon. Therefore, such a theory is difficult to accept.

According to another theory, several small moons were first captured, and later the modern moon was formed from them. Only after this did tidal effects begin to play a noticeable role, so small satellites could stay near the Earth for a long time. A destructive grip that literally ripped the Moon apart as it passed close to the Earth could explain the loss of its original iron. On the other hand, impact capture could explain the comparatively late bombardment of the Moon. In this case, the excess energy was used up in collisions with small moons, and the bombardment occurred when the Moon, moving away from the Earth, met with the remaining satellites.

According to the available data, it can be assumed that the Earth was formed with a rotation period of about 10 hours, which gave it a large specific angular momentum. One Moon (or several moons) was captured by the Earth; this Moon (or moons), revolving around the Earth, attached other bodies to itself, and threw some out of the near-earth orbit into the near-solar one. In this case, the Moon revolved in the forward direction along an orbit with a main semi-axis of about 40 Earth radii, which did not lie in the plane of the Earth's equator. The rapid removal of the Moon from the Earth should have begun only in the recent geological past, when the oceans and the continental shelf became powerful enough to increase tidal friction.

Capture theories suggest that moon-like objects formed somewhere before they were captured. It is likely that this was facilitated by the presence of various gases. Gas bodies are characterized by gravitational instability; this is the main reason for the formation of stars ( cm. GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE). The same process could contribute to the accumulation of solid particles in the protoplanetary cloud around the Sun. Later, radiation energy and a rotating magnetic field forced the gas out of the cloud, and solid bodies remained in heliocentric orbits.

The moon is a very unusual satellite. Only Charon, a satellite of Pluto, discovered in 1978, is even more massive in relation to its planet. If the theories of separation from the Earth or the theory of a double planet were correct, then it would seem strange why Venus, which is so similar to the Earth in mass and distance from the Sun, does not have a satellite. Moreover, Venus rotates in the opposite direction. If Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars had large satellites moving in a forward direction, then Galileo and all scientists after him would agree that these satellites broke away from their planets or formed with them. The strange tilt of the axes of rotation of many planets and the reverse rotation of Venus suggest that the process of their formation proceeded in the presence of many large objects such as the Moon, and they collided to form planets. And only the Earth was able to capture one of these objects, which became our beautiful Moon. And Venus, having experienced a collision with an object moving in the opposite direction, itself began to rotate in the same direction.

April 9, 2015, 21:58

We have become accustomed to our only natural satellite, which relentlessly circles our planet every 28 days. The moon dominates our night sky; since ancient times, it has touched the most poetic strings of the soul in people. Although new insights into many lunar mysteries have been proposed over the past few decades, a large number of unresolved questions still surround our only natural satellite.

Compared to other planets in our solar system, both the path of the orbit and the size of our moon are quite significant anomalies. Other planets, of course, also have satellites. But planets with a weak gravitational influence, such as Mercury, Venus and Pluto, do not have them. The moon is one quarter the size of the earth. Contrast this with the huge Jupiter or Saturn, which have several comparatively small moons (Jupiter's moon is 1/80 of its size), and our Moon seems to be a fairly rare cosmic phenomenon.

Another interesting detail: the distance from the Moon to the Earth is quite small, and in terms of apparent size, the Moon is equal to our Sun. This curious coincidence is most evident during total solar eclipses, when the Moon completely obscures our nearest star.

Finally, the Moon's near-perfect circular orbit differs from the orbits of other satellites, which tend to be elliptical.

The gravitational center of the Moon is almost 1,800 m closer to the Earth than its geometric center. With such significant discrepancies, scientists still cannot explain how the Moon manages to maintain its almost perfectly circular orbit.

The gravitational pull on the Moon is not uniform. The crew aboard Apollo VIII, while flying near the lunar ocean, noticed that the moon's gravity has sharp anomalies. In some places, gravity seems to increase in a mysterious way.

The problem of the origin of the Moon has been discussed in the scientific literature for more than a hundred years. Its solution is of great importance for understanding the early history of the Earth, the formation mechanisms of the solar system, and the origin of life.

First a logical explanation for the origin of the moon was put forward in the 19th century. George Darwin, son of Charles Darwin, the author of the theory of natural selection, was a famous and respected astronomer who carefully studied the moon and in 1878 came up with the so-called separation theory. Apparently, George Darwin was the first astronomer to establish that the Moon is moving away from the Earth. Based on the speed of the divergence of two celestial bodies, J. Darwin suggested that the Earth and the Moon once formed a single whole. In the distant past, this molten, viscous sphere rotated very rapidly around its axis, making one complete revolution in about five and a half hours.

Darwin suggested that later the tidal action of the Sun caused the so-called separation: a piece of molten Earth the size of the Moon separated from the main mass and eventually took its position in orbit. This theory looked quite reasonable and became dominant at the beginning of the 20th century. It was only seriously attacked in the 1920s, when the British astronomer Harold Jeffreys showed that the Earth's viscosity in a semi-molten state would prevent a vibration strong enough to separate two celestial bodies.

Second theory, which once convinced a number of specialists, was called the accretion theory. She said that around the already formed Earth, a disk of dense particles gradually accumulated, resembling the rings of Saturn. It was assumed that the particles of this disk eventually combined and formed the Moon.

There are several reasons why such an explanation cannot be satisfactory. One of the main ones is the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system, which would never have become the same as it is if the Moon had formed from an accretion disk. There are also difficulties associated with the formation of oceans of molten magma on the "newborn" Moon.

Third theory about the origin of the moon appeared around the time when the first lunar probes were launched; it was called the theory of holistic capture. It was assumed that the Moon originated far from the Earth and became a wandering celestial body, which was simply captured by Earth's gravity and went into orbit around the Earth.

Now this theory has also fallen out of fashion for several reasons. The ratio of oxygen isotopes in rocks on Earth and on the Moon convincingly proves that they originated at the same distance from the Sun, which could not be the case if the Moon had formed in a different place. There are also insurmountable difficulties in trying to build a model whereby a celestial body the size of the Moon could enter a stationary orbit around the Earth. Such a huge object could not accurately "sail" to the Earth at low speed, like a supertanker moored to the pier; it almost inevitably had to crash into the Earth at high speed or fly near it and rush further.

By the mid-1970s, all previous theories of the formation of the moon had run into difficulties for one reason or another. This led to the creation of an almost unthinkable situation where renowned experts could publicly admit that they simply do not know how or why the Moon ended up in its place.

From this uncertainty was born new theory, which is currently considered generally accepted, despite some serious questions. It is known as the "big impact" theory.

The idea originated in the Soviet Union in the 1960s. from the Russian scientist B.C. Savronov, who considered the possibility of the emergence of planets from millions of asteroids of different sizes, called planetesimals.

In an independent study, Hartmann, together with his colleague D.R. Davis suggested that the Moon was formed as a result of the collision of two planetary bodies, one of which was the Earth, and the other was a wandering planet, the size of which was not inferior to Mars. Hartmann and Davis believed that the two planets collided in a specific way, resulting in ejections of matter from the mantle of both celestial bodies. This material was thrown into orbit, where it gradually combined and condensed to form the Moon.

New information obtained by detailed study of samples from the Moon, almost confirmed the collision theory: 4.57 billion years ago, the protoplanet Earth (Gaia) collided with the protoplanet Theia. The blow fell not in the center, but at an angle (almost tangentially). As a result, most of the matter of the impacted object and part of the matter of the earth's mantle were ejected into near-Earth orbit.

The proto-moon gathered from these fragments and began to orbit with a radius of about 60,000 km. The Earth, as a result of the impact, received a sharp increase in the speed of rotation (one revolution in 5 hours) and a noticeable tilt of the axis of rotation.

In two new studies, published in the latest issue of the journal Nature, scientists provide evidence that the chemical similarity between the Earth and the Moon is due to a thorough mixing of the material formed when the Earth collided with another planet.

Thus, supporters of the main theory of the origin of the earth's satellite received new confirmation of their correctness, and quite weighty ones at that. But, German scientists argue that other theories cannot be simply written off because the new data, although they seriously confirm the main theory, are still not one hundred percent. Therefore, there is still an opportunity to choose for yourself the closest theory from all existing ones, or even come up with a new one!

Surprisingly, modern science cannot give an exact answer to the question of where and how the Moon appeared near the Earth. There are many theories of the origin of the Moon, and in each of them there are contradictory facts. Initially, scientists thought that all the planets formed at the same time, from protoplasm. But later they came to the conclusion that this is not entirely true. When samples of lunar soil hit the researchers on the table, the researchers gasped in surprise - the Moon turned out to be much older than the Earth - about 1.5 billion years! And immediately the theory of the simultaneous origin of the planets turned out to be untenable! But this added more questions than answers as to how the moon appeared. For a long time, they adhered to the main version of the origin of the Moon - a megaimpact. According to which, at the time of the formation of protoplanets, a certain protoplanet Thea, crossing the path of the Earth, hit its surface. And she kicked a huge piece out of the Earth, which took its place in its orbit, becoming a satellite. However, the different chemical composition of the Moon and the Earth, the difference in age, and the fact that scientists do not know of a single case of planets flying around star systems as freely as Thea, slightly corrected the theory of the megaimpact and the appearance of the Moon. According to the updated version, at the time of the formation of the solar system, the planets revolved around the star in unstable orbits. And where the asteroid belt is now, between Mars and Jupiter, there was once another planet - Phaethon. In terms of size and mass, Phaeton was twice as inferior to our planet, while the angle of inclination of the planets caused a serious danger of a collision. And one day it happened! Phaeton came too close, and was caught by the Earth in a gravitational trap, Phaeton could not escape from the larger planet by mass! And there was a collision. Fortunately, the trajectories of cosmic bodies did not completely coincide, and the Earth suffered little. But Phaeton - the planet was literally torn apart from the impact! A large piece of matter - that's all that's left of Phaethon, who took his place in the orbit of the Earth, and became the eternal satellite of the planet - the Moon. Everything else was scattered across outer space in different directions.

The surface of the Moon often changes its shape. The reliability of this theory is indicated by the remnants of a weak, but still magnetosphere, - satellites do not have a magnetosphere. But this version does not satisfy the researchers. The existence of the planet Phaeton in ancient times is not denied, but what happened to the planet ... and whether it became a satellite of the Earth is questionable by research scientists. Researchers, relying on the latest data, believe that the planet that crashed into the Earth could not be Phaethon at all. As you know, the equator of the moon does not coincide with the earth, but perfectly coincides with the plane of the Martian orbit! In addition, the Earth's satellite has a strange character trait, despite the stronger influence of Venus, the Moon tends to get closer to Mars. As if an invisible cosmic umbilical cord connects Mars and the Moon! It is impossible to explain what this phenomenon is connected with. Influence of Phaethon on Mars. If we assume that Phaeton was torn apart by a collision with the Earth, then this could not but affect neighboring Mars. It is now that we see the Red Planet, with a lifeless dead desert. But once everything could be different! Huge fragments of the exploding Phaeton began to bombard Mars non-stop. No one could survive on it, the planet was doomed! From the powerful blows of Phaeton's fragments, the planet shook and lost its orbit, the atmosphere and magnetosphere of Mars died. Under powerful blows, unprecedented strength, the debris of Mars also scattered in all directions. The fact that Mars was subjected to terrible blows is evidenced by the discovery of 2000. Then the Yamato meteorite was discovered in Antarctica, it is believed that it was brought to us from the broken massive attack of Mars. The age of the rock in the core of the Yamato meteorite is 16,000,000 years! They are heavily damaged - according to experts, the destruction is typical for a catastrophe on a planetary scale! And the upper melted crust of the meteorite indicates that Yamato entered the Earth's atmosphere 12 thousand years ago. But we must not forget about Phaethon - after all, once there could be a fertile time here, when the planet was alive and flourishing. And on the surface of the planet lived a reasonable culture. For a moment, let's remember how the Moon behaves in orbit. The moon is an amazing satellite planet, whose shape is almost perfectly round. It is also interesting that the center of mass of the Moon is 1830 meters closer to the Earth than its geometric center. It would seem that with such a statement of forces, the Moon should rotate randomly. However, nothing of the sort! The flight path of our satellite is perfectly accurate and verified! She moves strictly maintaining a stable speed and course. It's impossible to explain this... Along with this, no one has ever seen the far side of the moon! It seems to be forever hidden from earthly observers. Why is that? What can be hidden in the darkness of the invisible side that earthlings cannot see? But even now, despite a sufficient number of probe satellites that have explored the Moon, it is rare to find uncorrected images of the back side of the satellite.

The mystery of the moon and the Yamoto meteorite in the legends of ancient civilizations. Academic science has decomposed the formation of the Universe, and the solar system on the shelves. But some facts "fall out" of the generally accepted hypothesis of the origin of the planets, and the Moon in particular. All ancient civilizations have records of how the moon appeared. It turns out that legends remember those times when the Earth did not yet have a satellite! Ancient texts describe the appearance of the Moon in a very curious way. Moreover, the facts that are fatal for the generally accepted theory of the origin of the Moon. But the Moon was placed into orbit by none other than the Gods! - after a terrible disaster in solar system.

The symbol of the Dendera zodiac, which speaks of the origin of the Moon Egypt, Dendera, a place known as the temple of the goddess Khanhor, here is the Dendera calendar - it is believed that this is not yet fully deciphered by man a chronicle of past events, records of great catastrophes. It is believed that the female figure represents the Earth, and the baboon in her hand symbolizes the Moon. The outstretched hand indicates that the Moon was pulled towards the Earth! And the gods did it! Tiwanaku, the walls of the Kalasasaya Temple /Temple of the Standing Stones/ far from Egypt, here the researchers read that the Moon appeared near the Earth about 12 thousand years ago. The walls of the temple are dotted with a reflection of the magnitude and significance of the event when the moon appeared. And similar inscriptions, speaking about the events of the past, have all civilizations of antiquity. The records of the Greeks, Aristotle and Plutarch, the Roman Apollonius of Rhodes, telling about a certain people who lived in the highlands of Arcadia, sound amazing. And they spoke about themselves, as about the people whose ancestors came to these places even before the appearance of the moon in the sky. - And people remember it, saving knowledge for posterity. Obviously, different ancient cultures describe the appearance of the Moon in their own way, but the essence remains the same - before the Earth did not have its own satellite. In some civilizations, the Moon appeared from under the water, in others from under the ground. The appearance of the Moon in the sky is associated with the Great Flood. By the way, with the advent of the satellite, there is another legend, although it is still obscure. According to Indian legends, earlier people lived longer, and stood on the threshold of almost immortality - life up to 10 thousand years. However, the catastrophe changed everything, after which life expectancy was reduced to 1 thousand years. This is also mentioned in the Bible, and subsequently longevity was completely lost. Is it related to the appearance of the moon? - it is difficult to answer, but the fact is remarkable.

How the planet Phaethon died 16 million years ago. So what did our ancestors carefully keep, carving on stone? What did they want to convey to us? The story of how the planet Phaeton died, and Mars was destroyed, and during this event, the Earth had a satellite? Isn't this what ancient legends tell us, convey the history of our planet to us, and also display phenomena on a cosmic scale? According to ancient texts, the planet Phaethon did not die by accident, but a little differently, according to researchers. In those distant times, two powerful powers came together in a fight. Developed cultures, weapons of unimaginable power - and as a result the planet was destroyed and broken. The moon and the earth, Jericho and Giza, but how similar But this does not explain why the gods dragged the moon to the earth. Unless you assume the gods didn't. And in this case, an interesting theory is seen. But what if in a long-standing battle, not all spaceships of the warring parties died? Then a damaged, but not completely dead, ship could “fix itself” in the orbit of the nearest planet, and the crew of the wrecked ship could settle on the planet. As proof of this version, numerous and well-known lunar anomalous phenomena speak. These are jets of ejected gas - as if they are bled off by the onboard system, when the modules or some working system are purged. Moreover, we are not talking about short duration, but about the periodicity of emissions. And also, observers repeatedly notice mysterious changes on the lunar surface. It was as if the subsurface mechanisms of a huge ship were at work. The scientific elite is well aware of what is happening on the moon, and in general does not deny the phenomena taking place. However, for some mysterious reason, does not want to acknowledge what is happening, and written by ancient civilizations….. Why?

maypa_pa Where and how did the moon appear. The first mention of the moon.

The moon is the most mysterious object in the solar system. Where and how did the moon appear. The first mention of the moon.

In various ancient myths, it is told about the arrival of various creatures from the moon. On the clay tablets of the Khets and the inhabitants of Babylon, the arrival of the God of the Moon was indicated, in China and Korea it was indicated that some golden eggs flew from the Moon, from which the lunar inhabitants came out. The strangest mention of the Greeks was when a strange creature in a metal skin fell from the moon, which was called the Nemean lion. According to legend, Hercules himself killed him. In the Egyptian book of Hathor, it was said that the moon is a kind of all-seeing eye that constantly watches over a person.
So where did the moon actually come from?

What is known about the moon at the moment:

The moon has a magnetosphere.

Satellites, as is known, cannot have their own magnetosphere. So the Moon used to be a planet, or part of some destroyed one. There are suggestions that the Moon may be part of Phaeton, perhaps even its core. Between Mars and Jupiter, the planet Phaeton previously existed, which was mysteriously destroyed.

The moon is older than our planet by about 1.5 billion years

Taking parts of the moon's soil, scientists have conducted research and found that the moon is much older than our planet, which seems incredible and crazy. So far, our science is unable to explain it. It is assumed that the Moon was captured by the gravity of the Earth, before that it was an independent planet.

The composition of the Moon is similar to that of Mars.

There is an assumption that the Moon could have previously been a satellite of Mars, since their composition coincides perfectly, unlike our planet. According to the theory of Littleton, an English scientist, 2 cosmic bodies made of the same building material should be related in mass to each other as 1 to 9. Between the Moon and Mars, the ratio is 1 to 9. The law of similarity, according to which all the planets in the solar system are located also confirms this fact.

The time when the Earth did not have a moon. Legends about the Moon.

In the ancient texts of the peoples of the world it is written where this satellite came from the Earth. These scriptures coincide among different peoples, with small blots. Everywhere the same thing is said, that before the Earth did not have the Moon and that the Gods dragged it after the great catastrophe. (According to Greek legends) When the Moon appeared, a great flood came to Earth. The Chinese and Jews say that when the moon appeared, long rain and earthquakes enveloped the earth and that it fell to the north, which means a reversal of the magnetic poles. In the Egyptian temple of the goddess Hathor (Hathor), all the walls are painted with a calendar, which indicates all the troubles and catastrophes of our planet. According to the decryption, it was possible to find out that the Moon was attracted to our planet by some Gods. After that, cardinal changes take place in Egyptian mythology. A new God appears, the One who is responsible for 5 additional days a year (perhaps the appearance of the Moon slowed down our planet and the number of days increased). At the same time, ebbs and flows appeared. The Egyptian God Thoth is also responsible for them.

At the other end of the Earth, the ancient people described on the walls the appearance of a new celestial body. Not far from the holy famine of Theoanak, on the walls of the Kolosasaya temple, standing stones, symbols are inscribed, according to which it is said that the Moon appeared near the Earth more than 12 thousand years ago.

The drawings of the Mines Indians say that the appearance of the Moon brought unprecedented disasters, the Earth tumbled and swayed. It is written that the planet changed its orbit and changed the speed of rotation around its axis, and the Sun and the Moon began to rise from different places.
Different peoples described it a little differently. For some peoples, the Moon appeared from under the water, for others from under the water.

After the flood, a certain rabbit appeared in many ancient drawings, this is how it was depicted, which plowed the earth and sowed crops, and it is said that some mechanical machines helped him.
Before the appearance of the moon, people lived for 10 thousand years.

The ancient chronicles say that people previously lived for 10 thousand years. After the great catastrophe, people began to age faster, and the life time changed to 1 thousand years, but later this was lost.
This means that either the year was less, or the conditions of the wound were more acceptable for our existence.
The moon is like an interplanetary alien ship

There are opinions that the Moon was artificially created and is the spaceship of the Phaetans who escaped on it before the destruction of their planet.
Facts that can confirm this:

1. The moon is perfectly round. (Not a single cosmic body has such perfect forms. During an eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, which confirms this fact.)

2. The moon does not rotate. This is very strange. What is the back of the moon hiding?
Apollo 11 in 1969, which landed on the moon, was met by a group of UFOs that landed on the other side of the crater. There were 3 objects. Of these, aliens in spacesuits landed. Mission Control forbade astronaut Neil Armstrong to leave the Lunar Module. So he sat for 7 hours. After that, he violated the order and stepped on the moon, for which he would later be suspended from the space program. Later, all Apollo program ships will be accompanied by UFOs. These facts are recorded on films Photo and video.

The planned Apollo program was abruptly interrupted, citing lack of funding. However, Apollo 17,18,19 were paid for before. Why was the program curtailed anyway? What prevented Russia from annexing the Moon to its territory when the United States curtailed?
Almost all of the following attempts to fly to the moon were unsuccessful. Some unknown force, as it were, prevented them from flying there.

Strange flashes began to be recorded on the Moon, strange objects were repeatedly observed, sometimes reaching a length of 15-20 km. They then descended into the lunar craters, then disappeared without a trace. Strange shadows moving across the moon are recorded almost every day. In the 12th century, chronicles were written that correctly described that some kind of outbreaks were occurring on the moon.
On the Moon, strange high-frequency sounds are heard from the bowels, Moonquakes occur, possibly caused by some mechanisms that are in its bowels.

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