Honored test pilots and heroes of the Soviet Union. Outstanding Aircraft Test Pilots

Honored Test Pilot of the USSR- an honorary title awarded to test pilots of the 1st class of the aviation industry and the USSR Ministry of Defense for many years of creative work in the field of flight tests and research of new aviation technology, which significantly contributes to the progress of Soviet aviation.

Already in the summer of 1958, all questions about the new titles were finally agreed upon, and soon the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR appeared in the press:

Decree on the establishment of the title

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 14, 1958 "On the establishment of the honorary titles" Honored Test Pilot of the USSR "and" Honored Test Navigator of the USSR "":

  1. Establish the honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR".
  2. The honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" are awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to test pilots of the 1st class and test navigators of the 1st class of the aviation industry and the USSR Ministry of Defense for many years of creative work in the field of testing and research of new aviation technology.
  3. Approve the Regulations on the honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" and the descriptions of the badges "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR".

Regulations on the honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR":

  1. The honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" are awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to test pilots of the 1st class and test navigators of the 1st class of the aviation industry and the Ministry of Defense of the USSR for many years of creative work in the field of flight tests and research of new aviation technology, which significantly contributes to the progress of domestic aviation.
  2. The awarding of the honorary titles "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" is carried out on the proposal of the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR or the Minister of Defense of the USSR.
  3. Persons awarded the title of "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" or "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" are awarded a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a badge of the established form.
  4. The badges "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" and "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" are worn on the right side of the chest and, if the persons awarded these honorary titles, have orders of the USSR, they are placed above them.
  5. The deprivation of the title "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" or "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" can only be made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. With the idea of ​​depriving the indicated titles, a court or, respectively, the Minister of the Aviation Industry of the USSR or the Minister of Defense of the USSR can enter the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Description of the mark

Description of the badge "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" (as amended by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 5, 1960):

The badge "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" is a silver-plated polygon 27 mm wide, 23 mm high with a convex border. In the upper left corner there is a convex inscription "Honored Test Pilot", in the lower right corner - a laurel branch. In the center of the sign below are the raised letters "USSR". On the basis of the badge, a gilded image of a jet aircraft is reinforced diagonally to the left.

The badge is connected by means of a ring and a link to a silver-plated block, which has a notch on the sides. Slots run along the base of the pad. The inner part of the last is covered with a blue moiré ribbon. The block has a threaded pin with a nut on the reverse side for attaching the badge to clothing.

First Cavaliers

The first Decree on conferring the honorary title took place on February 17th. The title then received 10 test pilots of the aviation industry:

  • Galitsky, Boris Karpovich (aircraft factory No. 23)
  • Gallay, Mark Lazarevich (OKB V. M. Myasishchev)
  • Kokkinaki, Vladimir Konstantinovich (OKB S. V. Ilyushin)
  • Kochetkov, Andrey Grigorievich (Design Bureau S.A. Lavochkina)
  • Nyukhtikov, Mikhail Alexandrovich (Design Bureau A. N. Tupolev)
  • Opadchiy, Fedor Fedorovich (Design Bureau of V. M. Myasishchev)
  • Rybko, Nikolay Stepanovich (Design Bureau A. N. Tupolev)
  • Sedov,  Grigory Alexandrovich (OKB MiG)

Three months later, on May 27, 1959, three pilots of military acceptance became honored test pilots of the USSR:

  • Andreev Sergey Makarovich (aircraft factory No. 30)
  • Shalaevsky, Alexander Nikolaevich Subsequent assignments

    According to an unspoken rule, the titles were awarded only to active testers. However, already in the first Decree, a deviation from this rule was allowed - the title was received by Nikolai Stepanovich Rybko, who had not flown for five years due to injuries received in a car accident. However, his contribution to Soviet aviation was so great that no one had any doubts about the legitimacy of this award.

    It is noteworthy that the Decrees on conferring titles were not published in the press. But there were also exceptions. A Decree of September 20, 1960 was published, as well as all Decrees on awarding military testers from October 7, 1959 to August 14, 1975 inclusive. Since 1976, all Decrees on awarding ranks (to both military and civilian testers) have not been published.

    The last Decree on conferring the title came out a week before the collapse of the Soviet Union - December 18, 1991. It contained the names of 16 pilots:

    • Baskakov, Vitaly Danilovich
    • Vanyashin, Vladimir Grigorievich
    • Vorobyov, Felix Mikhailovich
    • Ivchenko, Yuri Grigorievich
    • Kotovich, Vladislav Nikolaevich
    • Kochetkov, Pavel Fyodorovich
    • Mazurin, Alexander Efimovich
    • Maksimenkov, Vladimir Borisovich
    • Provalov, Gennady Vadimovich
    • Revunov, Evgeny Georgievich
    • Rodionov, Oleg Alexandrovich
    • Sadkin, Nikolai Efimovich
    • Sviridov, Vasily Ignatievich
    • Tarasov, Yuri Alexandrovich

    In total, 419 people became honored test pilots of the USSR (of which: 274 were test pilots of the aviation industry, and 145 were military testers).

    Among the honored test pilots of the USSR: 3 twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, 97 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 23 Heroes of the Russian Federation, 2 Heroes of Ukraine and one National Hero of Kazakhstan.

Test pilots are the heroes of our time, the most courageous representatives of their nation, possessing leadership qualities, intelligence, responsibility, self-discipline and good health. Each flight may be the last, and yet they must experience the pleasure of flying, this is the main condition for admission to the ranks of these brave guys. They sit at the helm of their car so that the designers can refine or improve

Legendary test pilots

The former USSR is simply overflowing with heroes. Some remained unknown in the history of the country, but not test pilots. The names of these brave guys were immediately recognized by the political elite of the country. Almost all of them received the title of Hero of the USSR.

One of these people, whose name entered the history of the domestic aircraft industry, is Valery Chkalov. Valery Pavlovich started as a welder at an aviation plant in Nizhny Novgorod. And already in 1931 he tested brand new I-15 and I-16 fighter aircraft.

For his tricks in the air, he even received a term and was sentenced to a year in prison, which was later replaced with a suspended sentence. After all, Valery's "recklessness" was recognized as new aerobatics. In 1935, Chkalov was awarded the Order of Lenin. Chkalov's crew was the first to fly from the capital to the Far East. And two years later he flew over the North Pole and landed in Vancouver. After such merits, Stalin offered Chkalov the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD, but Valery Pavlovich refused and continued to fly. Test pilots who die in flight are doubly heroes. In December 1938 he made his last flight. He died while testing the new I-180 fighter.

military pilots

Test pilots during the Second World War played an important role in military aviation. Despite the harsh conditions of the war, the Soviet Union was building up its military power. Design aviation enterprises produced new improved machines that required testing. One of these heroes of the military sky was Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin. In 1931 he graduated from the Higher Glider School. And already in 1933 he set a record in his country. On one glider I stayed in the sky for almost 16 hours. Before the war, he tested experimental gliders.

During the war, he conducted tests of aircraft and gliders. He was the first to test an interceptor fighter with liquid fuel. In May 1945, during the tests of the Yak-3 fighter, the aircraft broke down, the pilot was seriously injured and lost an eye, but did not stop flying. Conducted test flights on such aircraft as Yak, Mig, Su. In 1959, among the top ten, he received the title of Honored Test Pilot. He made his last flight at the age of 73.

Test Pilot Awards

Until 1958, test pilots were not awarded all kinds of orders for services to the Motherland, many retired without a single medal. Many received the title of "Hero of the USSR" only in 1957. And in 1958, by decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces, the honorary titles "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR" and "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" were established. Only pilots of the 1st class could receive such a title and the corresponding order.

In total, 419 test pilots were awarded this title during the Soviet period.

post-war period

The development of the aircraft industry in the USSR became a top priority in the post-war period. The Cold War between the USSR and the USA led to an arms race. There was also ahead

Another outstanding test pilot is Yuri Petrovich Sheffer. Since 1977 he was the leading tester of the Tupolev plant. Was in the detachment of the VKS Buran. Participated in the testing of Su-25 and MiG-25 fighters.

Volk Igor Petrovich - Hero of the USSR, Honored Test Pilot, Test Cosmonaut. He has been testing domestic aircraft of all types since 1965. He performed a special skill by performing the "cobra" and "corkscrew".

Viktor Vasilyevich Zabolotsky - Soviet test pilot, in flight test work since 1975. During his work, he mastered more than 200 types of aircraft.

Modern period

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the loss in the Cold War, Russia, as the successor to the USSR, did not curtail its aviation programs. And today ultra-high-speed aircraft, fighters, the latest helicopters are being designed, capable of conquering the sky.

Bogdan Sergey Leonidovich - Hero of the Russian Federation and Honored Pilot of the Russian Federation. Conducted testing of Su and MiG fighters. Since 2000, he has been a test pilot at the P. O. Sukhoi Design Bureau.

Magomed Tolboev - since 1981, a test pilot, received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation. Tested Su and MiG fighters. For the first time he took to the air several types of ultralight aircraft.

This list can be continued for a long time, because many people of our country are capable of a feat, but for the chosen ones, fate. In the modern period, the development and testing of the latest supersonic aircraft, bombers, airliners are being carried out, only thanks to these brave people, many models will see the world.

Valery Pavlovich Chkalov- Soviet test pilot, Hero of the USSR. He was the commander of the aircraft that made the first non-stop flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver.

Chkalov began his dizzying career as a pilot as an aircraft fitter in the 4th Kanavinsky Aviation Park in Nizhny Novgorod.
From December 3, 1931, he participated in tests - he tested the latest fighter aircraft of the 1930s I-15 and I-16 designed by Polikarpov. He took part in the testing of tank destroyers VIT-1, VIT-2, heavy bombers TB-1, TB-3, a large number of experimental and experimental vehicles of the Polikarpov Design Bureau.

Chkalov was famous for his "recklessness". After the accident that occurred in Bryansk, Chkalov was accused of numerous violations of discipline. By the verdict of the military tribunal of the Belarusian military district of October 30, 1928, Chkalov was sentenced to a year in prison, and was also dismissed from the Red Army. He served his sentence for a short time, at the request of Kliment Voroshilov, less than a month later, the sentence was replaced with a suspended sentence.
Chkalov became the author of new aerobatics - an ascending spin and a slow roll. On May 5, 1935, aircraft designer Nikolai Polikarpov and test pilot Valery Chkalov were awarded the highest government award, the Order of Lenin, for creating the best fighter aircraft.
On July 20, 1936, the flight of Chkalov's crew from Moscow to the Far East started. It lasted 56 hours before landing on the sandy spit of Udd Island in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The total length of the record route was 9375 kilometers.
On June 18, 1937, Chkalov's flight began on an ANT-25 plane across the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver (Washington, USA). The flight took place in difficult weather conditions. On June 20, the plane made a safe landing in Vancouver, Washington, USA. The length of the flight was 8504 kilometers.
Stalin personally offered Chkalov to take the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD, but he refused and continued to do flight test work. Chkalov died on December 15, 1938 during the first test flight on the new I-180 fighter at the Central Airfield.

Stalin, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Chkalov and Belyakov. Meeting after the flight to the Far East. Shchelkovsky airfield, August 10, 1936


Stepan Mikoyan was born on July 12, 1922. He is the son of the famous politician Anastas Mikoyan. Stepan Mikoyan - Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant general of aviation. In 1940, he entered the Kachin Military Aviation Pilot School in the Crimea. In 1941, he retrained for the Yak-1 fighter and in December was sent to a fighter aviation regiment defending Moscow.
From the first days of 1942, Stepan began to participate on the Yak-1 in flights to cover our troops in the Volokolamsk region. In the winter of 1941-1942, Stepan Mikoyan made 10 successful sorties as part of this regiment. The 11th sortie to cover Istra on January 16, 1942 almost became fatal for Mikoyan - his Yak was mistakenly shot down by junior lieutenant Mikhail Rodionov from the 562nd regiment.
Mikoyan mastered 102 types of aircraft and flew about 3.5 thousand hours. By October 1942 he completed 14 sorties. After 3 air battles, he shot down 6 enemy aircraft as part of a group. Stepan Mikoyan ended the war with two orders.

Photo: Hayk/Wikimedia Commons


Soviet pilot Mikhail Gromov was born on February 12, 1899. He became Colonel-General of Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union. As an extremely gifted person, he early showed a variety of abilities, including music and drawing. After high school, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University and then served as a military doctor.
Gromov tested many famous aircraft. Performed a number of long-haul flights across Europe, to China and Japan.
On September 10–12, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft, he made a record flight in terms of range and duration along a closed route - 12,411 km in 75 hours. In 1937, on the ANT-25-1, he made a non-stop flight Moscow - the North Pole - the USA, setting 2 world aviation records. For this flight, Gromov was awarded the Order of Lenin.


Colonel, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Vladimir Averyanov was born on October 11, 1934. In 1953, Averyanov graduated from the Stalingrad flying club. In 1955 he graduated from the Armavir Military Aviation Pilot School, then served as a pilot in the air defense aviation.
From May 1965 to December 1968 he was a test pilot at the Kazan Aviation Plant. In 1965-1966, he tested serial Tu-16 and Tu-22 jet bombers, in 1966-1968 - Il-62 passenger aircraft (co-pilot), as well as their modifications.
From January 1969 to September 1994 he was a test pilot at the Saratov Aviation Plant. He tested serial passenger aircraft Yak-40 (in 1969-1981) and Yak-42 (in 1978-1994). He has many medals and is an honored test pilot of the USSR.

Photo: testpilot.ru


Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Ivan Dzyuba was born on May 1, 1918. He graduated from the Odessa flight school (1938), participated in the Great Patriotic War as a fighter pilot.
From June 1941 to September 1943 he made 238 sorties, conducted 25 air battles. By February 1942, he personally shot down 6 and in a group 2 enemy aircraft.
On July 21, 1942, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Major Ivan Dzyuba was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. From 1943 he served as a test pilot.


USSR test pilot, captain Nikolai Zamyatin was born on May 9, 1916 in Perm, graduated from Sverdlovsk State University and Sverdlovsk flying club in 1940.
In January-November 1942 he served as a pilot of the 608th Bomber Aviation Regiment, in November 1942 - December 1944 - a pilot, senior pilot and flight commander of the 137th Bomber Aviation Regiment.
Zamyatin fought on the Karelian front. Participated in the defense of the Arctic. He made 30 sorties on a Pe-2 bomber. From 1947 to 1971 he was a test pilot at the Flight Research Institute. Carried out tests of the refueling system on Tu-2 aircraft, tests of turbojet engines: VK-7 on Tu-4LL, AL-7 on Tu-4LL, VK-3 on Tu-4LL, AM-3M on Tu-16LL, VD-7 on M-4LL. He was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.


The famous test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Mikhail Ivanov was born on July 18, 1910. Since 1925 he worked as an apprentice turner in Poltava. Passed a course of theoretical training in the Poltava aviation circle of Osoaviakhim. In the Soviet army - since 1929. In 1932 he graduated from the Stalingrad Military Aviation Pilot School, then served in the Air Force combat units.
In 1939–1941, he was a test pilot for the military acceptance of aircraft factory No. 301, he tested serial UT-2 training aircraft and Yak-1 fighters. In 1941, he was a test pilot for the military acceptance of aircraft factory No. 31. Ivanov tested serial LaGG-3, La-5FN and Yak-3 fighters.
In November 1941, during the evacuation of the aircraft factory in Tbilisi, he took part in the hostilities on the Southwestern Front. In total, he made about 50 sorties.
On April 24, 1946, he tested one of the first Yak-15 fighters. Conducted tests of various modifications of the Yak-3, Yak-11 fighter. He received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for the strength and courage shown when testing new aircraft.

Many boys after the end of World War II dreamed of becoming pilots. No one really thought about how difficult it is to fly in the sky. It seemed to the guys that the pilots were romantics who got great pleasure from the flight.

How did the first Hero pilots get their ranks?

For the first time, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded in 1934, although from the moment the Soviet state was founded until 1939 there were no wars, that is, the pilots did not perform combat missions. Note that it was the pilots who became the first Heroes of the Soviet Union. These names are not as well known as the names of some aviators of the WWII period. Let's remember who these first pilots are - the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

As you know, in 1934 there was an operation to rescue the Chelyuskinites. Without the participation of aircraft, it was not possible to save people. At the same time, the technology at that time was still poorly developed, and the rescue mission could only get a positive result thanks to the high professionalism and heroism of the pilots.

The first Heroes by name

Nikolai Kamanin received the Gold Star of Hero No. 1 at the age of 25. He made 9 sorties over the Arctic, while saving 34 people (on the sunken icebreaker "Chelyuskin" the crew consisted of 104 people). In the photo below, Kamanin is shown on the left.

The complexity of the mission to rescue the sailors was that the area was insufficiently studied at that time. Also, the pilots did not have complete confidence in the reliability of the engines, because at that time they practically did not fly at such long distances.

Mikhail Vodopyanov made three difficult sorties, during which he was able to save more than 10 people. The uniqueness of the participation of this pilot in the rescue operation lies in the fact that a few months before that he received severe injuries and was treated for a long time. The authorities did not want to allow him to the operation, but he insisted.

Also such pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union, as Ivan Doronin, Sigismund Levanevsky, Vasily Molokov, Mauritius Slepnev took part in this operation. Each pilot made a huge contribution to saving people in the Arctic Ocean.

War and great pilots

Analyzing orders to confer the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War, we find an interesting trend: more than 50% of the marked legendary warriors who defended our Motherland from invaders are pilots. Of course, fighting on the ground is also not easy, but air battles are much more difficult than ground ones. The level of courage and endurance of Soviet pilots is simply amazing. WWII pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union made a huge contribution to the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany.

In this section, it is worth mentioning about Alexei Maresyev and Peter Shemendyuk. These heroes, even despite severe physical injuries, continued to serve in aviation.

For example, Maresyev is a well-known hero of B. Polevoy's work "The Tale of a Real Man".

His plane was shot down over the territory controlled by the Germans at that time. The pilot could not eject. Fell to the ground along with the car. It so happened that during the impact on the ground he was thrown out of the cab. For 18 days, the hero crawled to the front line. Discovered by Soviet children in the Novgorod region. After that, he was treated for some time in the Novgorod village. After a long treatment and amputation of both legs, he was able to return to service and made more than one sortie.

Fighter pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union often returned to the front after being wounded. According to verified but little-known information, about 20 Soviet pilots fought against the Nazis with amputated legs, arms or other severe limb injuries.

It is worth noting that for many pilots the Second World War was not the first combat experience. Everyone knows that many Soviet soldiers took part in the fighting in Spain (civil war). For example, Sergei Gritsevets is considered one of the aces pilots of the 1930s. Belarusian by nationality, he was born in 1909 in the Grodno province. He came to aviation on a Komsomol ticket in 1931. The track record of the pilot, according to official information, is 40 downed aircraft.

The development of military aviation of the USSR

Pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union showed themselves perfectly during the Second World War. Although initially the technical level of German aircraft exceeded the equipment and quality of Soviet aircraft, but the level of skill of the "red" pilots, some time after the start of the war, more than compensated for all the shortcomings in technology.

The improvement of Soviet military aviation actually took place already during the war. The fact is that in the first days of hostilities, most Soviet aircraft were destroyed at airfields during Nazi bombing. According to many experts, this is even better. If the wooden planes had entered into battle with the Junkers or other fighters, then they would not have had a single chance to win in an air battle. Such decisiveness of the Nazis saved the lives of many Soviet pilots.

During the war years, according to approximate estimates, the aces shot down more than 4,000 of the best German aircraft. The rating of Soviet aces is determined primarily by the number of Junkers shot down. Let's talk about each of the best separately.

The legendary Ivan Kozhedub was born in 1920 on the territory of the Shostka region of modern Ukraine. After graduating from school in 1934, he entered the chemical-technological technical school. Aviation for a long time was nothing more than a hobby for him. Kozhedub's path in aviation began with military service in 1940. He got to the front at the end of 1942 after working as an instructor at an aviation school. By the way, the first battle in the air for the legendary pilot could also be the last one, because first his plane was shot down by the Germans, and then by "our own". Kozhedub passed this test and was able to land his car. In the photo below, it is shown on the right.

Such pilots - three times Heroes of the Soviet Union, like Ivan Kozhedub, quickly become professionals in their field. They don't need much time to prepare. So, for some time after this accident, Kozhedub did not fly. The stellar time of the pilot came during the Battle of Kursk. For several sorties in July 1943, he managed to shoot down 4 Junkers. Until the beginning of 1944, there were already several dozen victories in the hero's track record. Until the end of the war, he was able to shoot down 18 aircraft of this brand.

Semyon Vorozheikin and other twice Heroes of the USSR

This result was not surpassed by anyone, and only Vorozheikin Arseniy Aleksandrovich could repeat. This pilot was awarded the Star of the Hero twice. The total combat result of Vorozheykin is 46 enemy aircraft shot down. In addition to him, the pilots - twice - are:

  • Alekseenko Vladimir Avramovich;
  • Alelyuhin Alexey Vasilievich;
  • Amet Khan Sultan;
  • Andrianov Vasily;
  • Yakubekovich;
  • Trouble Leonid Ignatievich;
  • Beregovoy Georgy Timofeevich;
  • Gulaev Nikolay Dmitrievich;
  • Sergei Prokofievich Denisov.

For the successful use of aviation technology, it must pass flight tests. That's what test pilots are for. Very often they risk their lives, because no one has flown before them on the aircraft model being tested. Many were awarded the Star of the Hero of the USSR. The most outstanding tester of aviation technology of the Soviet period is considered

The crews under the leadership of Chkalov made 2 record air flights for their time (Moscow-Vancouver via the North Pole and Moscow-Far East). The length of the route to Vancouver was 8504 km.

Other Soviet test pilots include Stepan Mikoyan, Vladimir Averyanov, Mikhail Gromov, Ivan Dziuba, Nikolai Zamyatin and Mikhail Ivanov. Most of these pilots did not have a technical education at first, but the entire aviation elite is united by one feature: they underwent theoretical training in the system of aviation clubs developed at that time. Such peculiar schools enabled the students to receive theoretical and practical training at a fairly high level.

Assault aircraft of the USSR during the Second World War

Attack pilots, Heroes of the Soviet Union during the war years, occupy an honorable place in the lists of people marked with state awards for their exploits during air battles of 1941-1945. According to historical data, more than 2,200 pilots received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Moreover, it is the attack aircraft that can be found on the list most of all (860 names).

There are also many representatives of this type of aviation in the lists of twice Heroes of the Union. As you know, two heroic Golden Stars had 65 pilots in their assets. In this list, attack aircraft also occupy the first place (27 people).

Who could get the title of Hero three times?

Alexander Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub - these pilots, three times Heroes of the Soviet Union, inscribed their names in golden letters in the annals of the Second World War.

The fact is that three times the state awarded only three people with such a high rank. In addition to two pilots, this is Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, a military man known since the revolution. Pokryshkin received his awards by orders of May 24 and August 24, 1943, and also on August 19, 1944. Ivan Kozhedub was marked by orders of the Commander-in-Chief of February 4 and August 19, 1944, as well as after the end of hostilities in August 1945.

The contribution of Soviet pilots to the victory over the enemy is simply invaluable!

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Chkalov V P.

Soviet pilot, brigade commander. Hero of the Soviet Union (1936). From 1919 in the Red Army. He studied at the Yegorievsk military-theoretical school of pilots (1921-22), completed a full course at the Borisoglebsk school of military pilots (1922-23), studied at the Moscow military aviation school of aerobatics and at the same time graduated from the Serpukhov Higher

Aviation School of Shooting, Bombing and Air Combat (1923-24).
tester at the Research Institute of the Air Force (1930-33), the plant of experimental and experimental designs (1933-35). Chkalov tested over 70 types of aircraft (I-15, -16, -180, VIT-2, NV-1), developed and introduced new aerobatic maneuvers: an upward spin and a slow roll. Together with G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov he made flights: Moscow - about. Udd (now Father Chkalov), 1936; Moscow - North Pole - Vancouver (USA), 1937. Member of the USSR Supreme Council since 1937. Awarded 2 orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, a medal.
He died on December 15, 1938 while testing the I-180-1 fighter. This was the first flight of a fighter designed by N.N. Polikarpov, which was supposed to replace the famous but aging I-16. The flight was prepared in a terrible hurry - to be in time before the end of the year. Polikarpov even refused to sign an act on the readiness of the aircraft for the first flight. That day there was a frost of 24 ° C. Already during the landing approach, the M-88 engine, which was not equipped with frontal blinds, was overcooled and, when trying to change its mode of operation, it stalled. Chkalov tried to make it to the airfield. But already on approach, seeing that the plane would not fly over residential barracks where there could be people, Chkalov turned away and crashed into a high-voltage support with its center section ... During the collision, the pilot was thrown out of the cockpit along with the steering wheel in a half-bent state. Falling, he hit his head on a protruding rail and broke his cerebellum. After 2 hours, he died in the Botkin hospital without regaining consciousness.

Probably, when calculating the landing approach, Chkalov did not take into account that the I-180, in contrast to the "donkey", was equipped with a VISH-3E variable-pitch propeller. Since the turning mechanism was not finished, the propeller blades were fixed in the small pitch position. And after the engine stopped, the propeller turned into a powerful brake... In addition, the landing gear, which could not be retracted during the first flight, were locked - Chkalov could not have retracted them.
As was later confirmed by the official tests of the M-88 engine on the machine in May 1939, it "does not have pickup from idle at its various thermal conditions." Those. when the engine control lever was quickly moved from idle (low speed) to an increase in speed (when gas was given), regardless of the temperature regime, the M-88 motor stopped.
The urn with the ashes of Chkalov is installed in the Kremlin wall. Cities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region of Russia and the Khujand Region of Tajikistan, the Higher Aviation School of Pilots in Orenburg, the Central Aero Club, and aircraft factories in Tashkent and Novosibirsk are named after him. There is a Chkalov street in Canada, in Vancouver. The city of Orenburg from 1938 to 1957 bore the name of Chkalov (although Chkalov had never been here).

Amet Khan Sultan
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, lieutenant colonel.
Born October 20, 1920 in the city of Alupka (Crimea). Graduated from FZU. He worked as a mechanic for the repair of steam locomotives in the Simferopol depot. In 1938 he graduated from the Simferopol flying club. He served in the army from 1939. In 1940 he graduated from the Kachin VASHL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Member of the Great Patriotic War: in June 1941 - October 1942 - pilot, flight commander, deputy AE commander, AE commander of the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment (South-Western Front, Yaroslavl air defense, Voronezh and Stalingrad fronts); in October 1942-May 1945 - AE commander, assistant commander of the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (8th Air Army). He made 603 sorties, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 and as part of a group of 19 enemy aircraft.
In 1945-1946 he studied at the Air Force Academy (now named after Yu.A. Gagarin). Since 1946 - in reserve. On test work at the FRI since February 1947.
He performed the first flight and tested the manned analogue of the projectile aircraft KS ("Kometa-3"), NM-1. Tested: LL-1 and LL-2, I-320 ("R-2"), SI-10, SM-20; testing of the aircraft refueling system using the “wing-to-wing” method; tests of the R-15-300 engine on the Tu-16LL.
He died on February 1, 1971 during a test flight on the Tu-16LL.
Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. He was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR. He was awarded 3 orders of Lenin, 4 orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Badge of Honor, and medals.
Streets in Alupka, Volgograd, Zhukovsky, Makhachkala, a mountain peak in Dagestan are named after him. A bronze bust of S. Amet-Khan is installed in Alupka; in Zhukovsky, on the street named after him - a memorial plaque.

Terentiev Andrey Grigorievich
Born in 1911. In 1933 he graduated with honors from the Morlet School (VSML) named after M. I.V. Stalin. In 1934 he was awarded the military rank of lieutenant. In 1937, he received the task of conducting test flights for bombing (PAB-100 on the MBR-2 aircraft). In 1938, Terentiev entered the Air Force Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky. During the war, he tested the aircraft La-5, Yak-9T, Yak-9B.
From 1945-1946 he conducted six state tests of various types of aircraft. He flew over the MiG-9 and the German Me-262, the leading test pilot of the La-134.
In February 1947 he was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner "for mastering new aviation technology". On August 18, 1947, he takes part in the parade in Tushino on the La-9F aircraft. Tests La-168 and La-174TK, reaches a speed of 1000 km / h. For 1948-49 - testing of fourteen types of modified and serial aircraft. At the end of 1949 - tests of the MiG-17. 1950 - reaching the speed of M-1.06 on the MiG-15 aircraft. On October 13, 1950, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force No. 0530, Terentyev was awarded the flight qualification "Military Test Pilot 1st Class". 1956 - testing of an experienced An-8 airborne transport aircraft. On February 7, 1957, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the courage and bravery shown in the performance of his official duty, he was once again awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War. On October 7, 1959, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Terentyev was awarded the title of Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.
1961 - five tests of the An-12 airborne transport aircraft. Two years later, he was awarded the rank of Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service. 1971 - Lead Engineer, Test Pilot. He has the rank of Major General of the ITS.
Honorary title "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR".
He has 4 Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War |-th degree, 3 Orders of the Red Star, a medal "For Courage", a candidate of technical sciences.

Garnaev Yuri Alexandrovich
Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, captain. Born on December 17, 1917 in the city of Balashov, Saratov Region. From 1934 he lived in the village of Lopasnya (now the city of Chekhov) in the Moscow Region. He worked as a turner at a mechanical plant. In 1936 he graduated from the 3rd year of the Podolsk Industrial College. In 1936-1938 he worked as a turner at the Lianozovsky Carriage Repair Plant. In 1938 he graduated from the Mytishchi flying club.
In the army since 1938. In 1939 he graduated from the Engels VASL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. In 1940-1942 - instructor pilot of the Trans-Baikal Air Force (Ulan-Ude). From 1942 he again served in combat units of the Air Force.
Member of the Soviet-Japanese War: in August-September 1945 - navigator of the 718th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Transbaikal Front); made 20 sorties.
In 1945 he was repressed. Until 1948 he worked as a turner, technologist, senior dispatcher of the plant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Voroshilov (now the city of Ussuriysk), Primorsky Krai, in 1948 he was the head of the NKVD club in the city of Norilsk. In 1949-1950 he worked at the LII as a technologist. In 1950-1951 - head of the club "Strela" (Zhukovsky).
In January-December 1951 - test paratrooper LII. 07/14/1951 performed the country's first ejection in a spacesuit.
Since December 1951 - at flight test work at the FRI. In 1953 he graduated from the test pilot courses at the SLI.
He made the first flight and tested the "Turbolet" (1957). Tested: Mi-3 in autorotation (1954); experienced autopilots on the Mi-4 (1957); tests on the shooting of the blades on the Mi-4 (1958); tests of the MiG-21F at maximum speed; testing a number of experimental engines on fighter planes; means of salvation; power plant Mi-6; Tu-16 and An-10 to stall (1960); Tu-104 for weightlessness; tests of space suits on the MiG-15, Il-28, Tu-14 (1951-1953). Participated in the tests of the Yak-24 (1953-1955), Mi-10 (1959) in the development of Tu-16 wing refueling (1956).
In 1962, he flew the first flight on the first domestic Ka-22 rotorcraft, then carried out its further tests until 1964.
He died on August 6, 1967 on a Mi-6PZh helicopter while extinguishing a forest fire near Marseille [La Rova (France)].
Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. He was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.
He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.
Streets in Balashov, Zhukovsky, Ulan-Ude, Feodosia are named after Gargaev. In Zhukovsky, on the house where he lived, and in Balashov, on the school that bears his name, memorial plaques were installed. A monument has been erected in the city of La Rove (France).

Gudkov Oleg Vasilievich

Hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot 1st class, major.
Born on February 13, 1931 in the city of Armavir, Krasnodar Territory. In 1949 he graduated from the Stavropol Suvorov Military School.
In the army since 1949. In 1952 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk VAUL and the Higher Officer Aviation Instructor School (Grozny). Left as an instructor pilot in Borisoglebsk VAUL. Since 1957 - in reserve. In 1958 he graduated from the Test Pilot School, in 1966 - MAI. Since 1958 - in flight test work at the Flight Research Institute, he was the deputy head of the FITs LII for the flight department.
Raised into the sky and tested the MiG-21I ("Analogue") (04/18/1968), tested the MiG-21F-13 in a spin, participated in the tests of the MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25.
He died on October 4, 1973 in a test flight on the MiG-25P.
Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. He was buried in the city of Zhukovsky, at the Bykovsky cemetery. A street in the city of Zhukovsky is named after him.

Popovich Marina Lavrentievna
1st class test pilot, colonel engineer, candidate of technical sciences.
She graduated from SHLI in 1964.
The only pilot in the world who set 101 world records on various types of aircraft. Winner of 5 international awards, including Gold and Silver medals named after S.P. Korolev, diplomas named after Paul Tisandier, Yu.A. Gagarin and the FAI Big Gold Medal (this medal is awarded for outstanding world achievements and contributions to aviation science and technology). Conducted tests of the An-22 "Antey" aircraft and many other models.
Dedukh Sergey Grigorievich
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR. Born in 1919. In 1927 he goes to school. After school he enters the Faculty of Chemistry of the Institute of Technology. In the spring of 1939 he enrolled in the Kirov flying club of Moscow. In the autumn of 1942 he transferred to a combat regiment. February 23 - the first sortie on the R-5 aircraft. After that, he made many sorties on various missions.
After the war he became a test pilot. He mastered 114 types and modifications of aircraft and helicopters, conducted about 100 serious tests.
He has the title of "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Major General of Aviation, has numerous awards, certificates of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Nazaryan Valentin Vazgenovich
Test Pilot 1st Class, Capt. Born on April 5, 1947 in the village of Kirants, Ijevan region (Armenia). He spent his childhood and youth in the city of Kapan (Armenia). In 1966 he graduated from the 1st year of the Yerevan State University. In the army since 1966. In 1970 he graduated from the Chernihiv VVAUL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Since 1974 - in reserve. In 1976 he graduated from the Test Pilot School.
From May 1976 to June 1984 - on flight test work at the FRI. Since 1981 he was an instructor pilot at the SLI, in 1982-1984 he was the deputy head of the SLI for the flight department.
Carried out a large amount of test work on the Yak-38; participated in work on other fighter aircraft on the subject of the institute. In 1984-1985 he worked at LII as a leading engineer. Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. Since 1985 he lived in Yerevan, Nizhny Novgorod, currently lives in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory.
Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medals.
Popov Leonid Steranovich
Hero of Russia (1994), Honored Test Navigator of the USSR (1984). Born in Kazan. In 1963 he graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute. From 1962 to 1965 worked at the aircraft factory "Sokol", in 1965-1985. - in LII im.Gromov. In flight work since 1966 in 1971 he graduated from the navigation department of the MAP Test Pilot School. Mastered about 80 types of aircraft. Since 1985, he has been working at the ANTK MiG as a senior test navigator.
Gorbunov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1989), Hero of Russia (1992). Born in Vyatskiye Polyany, Kirov region. He graduated from the Kachinsky VVAUL in 1968, served in combat units until 1973. In 1974 he graduated from the Test Pilot Training Center in Akhtubinsk, until 1982 - a test pilot at the State Research Institute of the Air Force named after Chkalov.
Until 1991, a test pilot at the LII, then a test pilot at the Mikoyan Design Bureau. Since 1991 he has been a member of the International Association of Test Pilots. OKB Chief Pilot since 1997

Rimas Stankevicius
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, lieutenant colonel.
Born on July 26, 1944 in the city of Marijampole (Lithuania). In the army since 1962. In 1966 he graduated from the Chernihiv VVAUL. Served in combat units of the Air Force.
Member of the fighting in Egypt in March 1971 - April 1972.
Since 1973 - in reserve. In 1975 he graduated from SHLI. Since May 1975 - in flight test work at the FRI. Conducted a number of test work on fighter aircraft. Participated in tests of the MiG-29 on a corkscrew.
As a co-pilot participated in: the first flight of the BTS-002 (Atmospheric analogue of Buran), the first automatic landing of the BTS-002, the first fully automatic flight of the BTS-002. In 1980 he graduated from the Cosmonaut Training Center. Since 1980 - test cosmonaut of the OKPKI (since 1988 - deputy head of the OKPKI).
According to the training program for the space flight on the Buran, he worked out the manual control system and the automatic landing system on the Tu-154LL and MiG-25LL equipped with the Buran control system. He died on September 9, 1990 during a demonstration flight on the Su-27 at the Salgaredo airfield (Italy). Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. He was buried in the city of Kaunas (Lithuania).
Awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals.

Pugachev Viktor Georgievich

Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR), colonel.
Born on August 8, 1948 in the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region. In the army since 1966. In 1970 he graduated from the Yeisk VVAUL, left in it as an instructor pilot. Since 1977 - in reserve.
In 1978 he graduated from SLI, in 1980 - the Moscow Aviation Institute.
From December 1978 to October 1980 - on flight test work at the FRI. Carried out a number of test work on the MiG-23, MiG-25, Su-15, Su-24, Tu-16LL on the subject of the institute.
Since 1980 - test pilot of the Design Bureau named after P.O. Sukhoi. Made the first flight and tested the Su-27K, Su-27KUB; participated in the tests of the Su-25, Su-27, Su-33, Su-35, Su-34. On 11/1/1989, for the first time in the country, he landed an aircraft on the deck of an aircraft-carrying cruiser (on a Su-27K). He set 12 world aviation records on the Su-27: in 1986 - 7 climb records, in 1990 - 1 climb record, in 1993 - 4 climb and payload records.
Lives in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. Works as Deputy Chief Designer of the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau for flight tests.
Awarded the Orders of Lenin, "For Services to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, "Badge of Honor", medals

Beschastnov Alexander Georgievich
Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously, Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation, Senior Lieutenant.
Born on April 14, 1957 in the city of Irkutsk. In the army since 1974. In 1978 he graduated from the Kachinsky VVAUL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Since 1985 - in reserve. In 1986 he graduated from SLI.
Since July 1986 - in flight test work at the FRI.
Carried out a number of test work on fighter aircraft and heavy aircraft. Participated in the testing of the M-55 aircraft.
He died on September 12, 2001 in a test flight on the M-101T Gzhel aircraft. Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. He was buried in the village of Ostrovtsy, Ramensky District, Moscow Region.
Awarded with medals.

Aubakirov Toktar Ongarbaevich
Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Major General of Aviation, National Heroes of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Born on July 27, 1946 in the village of the May 1st collective farm in the Karkaralinsky district of the Karaganda region (Kazakhstan). He worked as a turner at a foundry and mechanical plant in the city of Temirtau, Karaganda region. In 1965 he graduated from the Karaganda Aviation Training Center.
In the army since 1965. In 1969 he graduated from Armavir VVAUL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Reserved since 1975. In 1976 he graduated from SLI, in 1979 - MAI. In 1976 - test pilot of the Ulan-Uda aircraft plant; tested serial MiG-27.
From August 1976 to September 1991 - in flight test work at the Design Bureau named after A.I. Mikoyan. Raised into the sky and tested the MiG-29 ("9-14") (02/13/1985), MiG-31M / 2 ("052"), MiG-29M / 2, MiG-29K ("9-31"), MiG-31B. Participated in tests of the MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-27, MiG-29, MiG-31 and their modifications; conducted tests on refueling the MiG-31. On November 1, 1989, the MiG-29K took off for the first time in the country from the deck of an aircraft-carrying cruiser. On October 3-10, 1991, he made a space flight aboard the Soyuz TM-12 spacecraft and the Mir orbital complex. Since 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1993 - General Director of the National Aerospace Agency of Kazakhstan. At the present time - Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on defense, defense industry and space. Lives in the city of Astana (Kazakhstan).
He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, the Badge of Honor, medals, and a foreign order.

Kvochur Anatoly Nikolaevich
Hero of the Russian Federation, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Major. Born on April 16, 1952 in the village of Mazurovka, Chernevetsky district, Vinnitsa region (Ukraine). In the army since 1969. In 1973 he graduated from the Yeisk VVAUL. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Reserved since 1977. In 1978 he graduated from the School of Aviation, in 1981 - the Moscow Aviation Institute, in 1999 - the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
In 1978-1981 - test pilot of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant; tested serial Su-17 and its modifications.
In 1981-1991 he was a test pilot at the Design Bureau named after A.I. Mikoyan. Tested the MiG-29K, MiG-31D; participated in the tests of the MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-27, MiG-29, MiG-31 and their modifications.
Since March 1991 - in flight test work at the FRI. Since 1995 - Deputy Head of the LII. Carried out a large amount of tests on fighter aircraft to practice refueling in the air day and night; on the development of methods of conducting air combat. Participated in testing various new aircraft equipment on the Su-27 and Su-30. Author of 2 copyright certificates.
Since December 1996 - President of the State Unitary Enterprise Pilot Research Center. Conducted a large number of flight research and testing in the fields of ergonomics and satellite radio navigation. In the course of these works, he performed a number of ultra-long flights on the Su-27 and Su-30 (including the Arctic Ocean, including the flight over the North Pole). Developer of the ideology and cockpit layout of the latest generation fighter ("glass cockpit").
Lives in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region.
He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Akhrameev Vasily Ivanovich
Glider pilot, amateur pilot. After graduating from the Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 1985, he works at the LII. MM. Gromov. In 1988, after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the problems of aerodynamics, stability and controllability of aircraft in critical flight modes at high angles of attack.
Since 1991, director of the partnership "Wings of Russia" at the LII. MM. Gromov. Since 1993 - experimental engineer, deputy. head of the branch complex for training test cosmonauts.
Since 1995 - Deputy Head of the LII.
Garnaev Alexander Yurievich
Test Pilot First Class.
In 1981 he graduated from the Armavir Higher Military Pilot School. He served in the Fighter Aviation Regiment.
In 1987 he graduated from the Test Pilot School (ShLI), after which he worked as a test pilot in the OKB. A.I. Mikoyan.
In 1989 he graduated from the Flight Test Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
In 1993 - postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Aviation Equipment.
Since 1991, he has been actively involved in international air shows and air shows, as well as in the development of various types of aviation business.
Since 1994 - test pilot LII them. MM. Gromov.

Tolboev Magomed Omarovich
Date of birth: 01/20/1951
Place of birth: Dagestan, Gunib district, Sogratl village, Avarets
1969-1973 Yeysk Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. 1973-1980 Service in the Air Force of the USSR Ministry of Defense.
1980-1981 School of test pilots MAP USSR.
1981-1984 Moscow Aviation Institute.
1984-1986 TsPK im. Yu.A. Gagarin.
1981-1993 Test pilot, test cosmonaut of the MAP of the USSR.
1993-1995 Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Industry, Transport, Energy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 1999-2000 Chief of Aviation of the VV of the Moscow District VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Awards: "Gold Star", Hero of Russia, Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation. Awarded to the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree Scientific degree: Graduated from the University of Friendship of Peoples, Candidate of Historical Sciences - 1995, "Interethnic relations in the Republic of Dagestan in the period 1985-1995 and the prospect of their development."
Public work: Honorary President of the International Aviation and Space Salon - "MAKS". 1999-2000 Head of the Aviation of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 1999 Honorary President of the Wushu-San-Da Federation of Moscow

Gromov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Born on February 12 (24), 1899 in the city of Tver. As a child, he lived in the cities of Kaluga, Rzhev, Tver region, the village of Losinoostrovsky (now within Moscow). Graduated from the Moscow real school. From 1910 he was engaged in aircraft modeling. From 1916 he studied at the Imperial Higher Technical School (now - MVTU). In 1917 he graduated from the aviation theoretical courses of N.E. Zhukovsky at the VTU.

In the army since 1917. In 1918 he graduated from the Moscow flight school, left in it as an instructor pilot.

Participant civil war: in November 1919-November 1920 - pilot of the 29th reconnaissance squadron (Eastern Front), pilot of the 2nd aviation wing of the Ural sector of the internal security forces; flew reconnaissance, scattered leaflets, appeals.

In 1920-1922 he was an instructor pilot at the Moscow Aviation School, in 1922-1924 he was the head of the combat use department of the 1st Higher Aviation School (Moscow). In 1924 he was temporarily assigned as an instructor pilot and commander of a detachment to the Serpukhov Higher School of Air Combat, Shooting and Bombing.
In 1923 he became the heavyweight champion of the USSR in weightlifting.

Since June 1924 - test pilot of the Scientific and Experimental Airfield (NII VVS). Raised into the sky and tested the aircraft U-2, I-3, I-4, I-4bis; conducted state tests of R-3, I-1, TB-1. 06/23/1927 during tests of the I-1 for a corkscrew, for the first time in the country, he performed a forced parachute jump from an airplane.

Completed a number of long-distance flights:

June 10 - July 13, 1925 on the R-1 aircraft with flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich participated in a group flight Moscow - Beijing. A distance of 6476 km was covered in 52 flight hours.

August 30 - September 2, 1925 on the P-1 plane with the flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich made the flight Beijing - Tokyo.

August 31 - September 2, 1926 on the plane ANT-3 "Proletary" with flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich made a circular flight Moscow - Koenigsberg - Berlin - Paris - Rome - Vienna - Warsaw - Moscow. Passed 7150 km in 34 hours 15 minutes of flight time.
July 10 - August 8, 1929 on the ANT-9 "Wings of the Soviets" aircraft with flight mechanic V.P. Rusakov made a circular flight Moscow - Berlin - Paris - Rome - Marseille - Nevers - London - Paris - Berlin - Warsaw - Moscow. A distance of 9037 km was covered in 53 hours of flight time.

From April 1930 - test pilot and commander of the TsAGI squadron. Raised into the sky and tested almost all aircraft of the Design Bureau of A.N. Tupolev, created in the 1930s - passenger ANT-9, ANT-14, ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky", ANT-35, reconnaissance R-6, R -7, bombers TB-3, TB-4, ANT-42 (Pe-8), as well as a number of experimental aircraft - ANT-13, ANT-25, BOK-15 and others.

On September 12-15, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft (co-pilot - A.I. Filin, navigator - I.T. Spirin) made a long flight lasting 75 hours, during which a record flight range of the aircraft was reached - 12411 km.
For the performance of the flight and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, on 09/28/1934 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On July 12-14, 1937, on an ANT-25 aircraft (co-pilot - A.B. Yumashev, navigator - S.A. Danilin) ​​made a non-stop flight Moscow - North Pole - San Jacinto (USA) with a length of 10.148 km in a straight line (flight time - 62 hours 17 minutes). 3 world aviation distance records were set. The entire crew (the first among domestic aviators) was awarded the de Laveau medals (FAI awards).

In 1940-1941 - Head of the Scientific and Technical Group of the NKAP. From March 1941 - head of the Flight Research Institute (its first head). In August-December 1941 he was on a government business trip to the United States on the acquisition of American aircraft.

Member of the Great Patriotic War: from December 1941 - commander of the 31st mixed aviation division (Kalinin Front); from February 1942 - Commander of the Air Force of the Kalinin Front. In May 1942 - May 1943 - commander of the 3rd Air Army, created on the basis of the Kalinin Front Air Force. The air army as part of the Kalinin and North-Western fronts participated in the defensive operation in the area of ​​the city of Bely, in the Rzhev-Sychevskaya, Velikoluki, Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operations. From May 1943 - Commander of the 1st Air Army. The army under his command as part of the Western and 3rd Belorussian fronts participated in the Oryol, Spas-Demenskaya and Smolensk operations, struck at railway junctions in the Vitebsk and Orsha directions.

From June 1944 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Air Force front-line aviation. In 1946-1949 - Deputy Commander of Long-Range Aviation.

In 1949-1954 - Head of the Flight Service Department of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, in 1954-1955 - Head of the Flight Service Department of the Ministry of Aviation Industry. Since 1955 - in reserve.

In 1959-1961 - Chairman of the USSR Weightlifting Federation.

Colonel General of Aviation (1944), Honored Pilot of the USSR (1925), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969), Professor (1937), test pilot 1st class (1940). Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov 2nd Class, Orders of the Patriotic War 1st Class, 3 Orders of the Red Star, medals, foreign awards. He was awarded the FAI - de Lavoe medal (1937).

His name is the Flight Research Institute (Zhukovsky), on the territory of which his bust is installed. A street in Moscow and a square in Zhukovsky are named after him.

M.M.Gromov set 3 world aviation flight distance records (of which 1 is absolute).

Grigory Yakovlevich Bakhchivandzhi

He was born on February 20, 1909 in the village of Brynkovskaya, Krasnodar Territory. In early childhood, the family moved to Zhdanov (now Mariupol).

"For the heroism and selflessness shown during the testing of the first Soviet aircraft with jet engines, posthumously award the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to test pilot Captain Bakhchivandzhi Grigory Yakovlevich." This is the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 28, 1973.

Grigory Bakhchivandzhi entered the Great Patriotic War with the Nazi invaders as part of the 402nd Special Purpose Fighter Aviation Regiment, formed from test pilots. In less than a month and a half, the brave pilot managed to make 65 sorties, while demonstrating exceptional courage and fearlessness, the highest art of combat. Gregory personally shot down 5 fascist vultures and participated in the destruction of five others along with his comrades.

In August 1941, the squadron commander Grigory Bakhchivandzhi was recalled to test work. At that time, the design bureau was creating a new type of interceptor aircraft - with a liquid-propellant jet engine. Grigory was entrusted to test this car.

And then the day came on May 15, 1942, which was destined to become the birthday of Soviet missile aviation. From the very morning, the designers, Grigory's comrades in aircraft testing, members of the state commission were anxiously waiting for the moment when it would be possible to allow take-off. Mechanics did not leave the car, again and again checking each unit. At 19 o'clock Moscow time, Bakhchivandzhi took the plane into the sky...

And after a certain time, Grigory Yakovlevich, as they say, gracefully landed the plane, and immediately fell into the arms of friends who congratulated him on a remarkable victory: the first manned flight on a rocket plane with a liquid-propellant jet engine. For this achievement, Grigory Bakhchivandzhi was awarded the highest government award - the Order of Lenin.

Then there were many more flights.

On March 27, 1943, during the next test, the pilot on the BI fighter developed a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. This was the first time a human had ever encountered a sound barrier. And the first victim on the way to overcoming it...

Grigory Bakhchivandzhi died at the age of 34. He died, paving the way for humanity into the new. The first conqueror of space, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin noted: "Without the flight of Grigory Bakhchivandzhi, perhaps April 12, 1961 would not have happened."

Eduard Vaganovich Elyan

Hero of the Soviet Union (04/26/1971), Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (09/20/1967), Colonel.
Born on August 20, 1926 in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan). In 1938-1944 he lived in Norilsk, Moscow, Sverdlovsk. In 1944 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Air Force Special School.
In the army since 1944. In 1944 he graduated from the 9th VASHPOL (Buguruslan), in 1948 - Borisoglebsk VAUL, until 1951 he was an instructor pilot in it.
In 1953 he graduated from the Test Pilot School, in 1960 - the Moscow Aviation Institute.
From June 1953 to March 1958 - on flight test work at the FRI.
Carried out a number of test work on fighter aircraft on the subject of the institute; participated in the testing of aviation spacesuits.
In 1958-1960 he was a test pilot of the Design Bureau of P.O. Sukhoi. Tested P-1 (1958). In 1960-1982 - test pilot of the Design Bureau A.N. Tupolev. He made the first flight and tested the Tu-144 (1968-1970), participated in the tests of the Tu-22 and other aircraft. Since 1982 - in reserve.
He lived in Moscow, currently lives in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Star, and medals. He was awarded the Tissandier Diploma (FAI) (1969).

Kokkinaki Viktor Konstantinovich

Soviet test pilot, Major General of Aviation (1943), Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1959), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1959), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1938, 1957). In the Soviet Army since 1925. He graduated from the Borisoglebsk flight school (1930). Served in the Air Force. In 1935-65 he worked as a test pilot in the design bureau of S.V. Ilyushin. Kokkinaki made flights: Moscow - Sevastopol - Sverdlovsk - Moscow, 1937; Moscow - Spassk-Dalniy (together with A.M. Bryandinsky), 1938; Moscow - about. Miskou (Misko) in the USA (together with M.Kh. Gordienko), 1939.

He set 14 world records for altitude and flight speed, conducted factory tests of the Il-2, Il-10 attack aircraft, and the Il-4 bomber. During the Great Patriotic War, he combined the work of a test pilot, head of the Main Inspectorate of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry and head of the LIS. In the post-war period, he tested military and civilian aircraft (including Il-12, Il-14, Il-18, Il-62). He flew on 62 types of aircraft. Since 1961 Vice-President, since 1967 President, and since December 1968 Honorary President of the FAI. FAI Gold Aviation Medal, Windrose necklace with diamonds. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1937-50. Lenin Prize (1960). Awarded 6 Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution.

Yakimov Alexey Petrovich

Fig.1 Tu-4 bomber

Fig.1 Tu-4 bomber
Conducted trials of experimental
aircraft, including La-5, Tu-4, Tu-14. Tested in-flight refueling systems. He performed high-altitude flights on aircraft with PD with a turbocharger. Awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner, Orders of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, 5 Orders of the Red Star, medals.

Soviet test pilot, colonel, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1960), Hero of the Soviet Union (1966). Graduated from the Orenburg Military Aviation School
(1937). Yakimov worked at the LII and OKB A.N. Tupolev.
Conducted trials of experimental
aircraft, including La-5, Tu-4, Tu-14. Tested in-flight refueling systems. He performed high-altitude flights on aircraft with PD with a turbocharger. Awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner, Orders of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, 5 Orders of the Red Star, medals.

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